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About Me

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My husband, Tim, calls me a Domestic Goddess. I retired from the world of Hairdressing to this new position of stay at home mom to my four dogs, gardener, housewife, and part time artist, and now a blogger. Should be interesting.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Roses from my Front yard Garden

Tim's Veggie garden. Tim is a beginner gardener. He started his garden in Feb. Covered with plastic while it was cold.
The lettuce is yummy..We should have squash soon.

Weeds in the Collard Patch

I planted too many things in my Collard Patch and the weeds took over. Weeds come along and take up valuable space when you're jumping around and can't find yourself. This last year has been full of many interesting things. Things that would make for interesting topics for my Collard Patch. I got lost on the journey and the weeds took over. My friend, Jane, told me to get crackin. Ok Jane, you're right. So here goes, I've decided that weeds need constant pulling , to cultivate a beautiful garden.

Yesterday was a terrible day for my Alabama home. My family was spared destruction of the deadly storms, thank you God, and my heart goes out to everyone that was not so fortunate. We have friends in Tuscaloosa, and not sure how they faired. I can remember when my boys where toddlers and a tornado came over our house. The tornado didn't touch down, but the hail destroyed my car. I am reminded that life is precious and every breath is wonderful.. Grateful that my life in SC is becoming a blessing and so glad to be here. With that said, let's move on to what I've been up to.

Following with my garden theme, I have to give you and update on the Collard Patch. My husband,Tim, has taken over the garden and I have taken on the landscaping of our yard. Tim is and engineer and has designed a watering system for the garden so waste is at a minimum. We decided that weeds need to be controlled with ground cover, and pine straw. I'll post some pics soon.

I'm still figuring how to use my blog, any ideas would be welcomed and so helpful. my goal is to have a beautiful and interesting blog. that's my begin over and my promise to me to be great blogger.